The idea to record an album about the glen of Loch Leven came up as Sarah was recording a new song, The Low Road to Kinlochleven which relates her journey into the village as she was starting a new life. She went back to Nick Turner and Mary Ann Kennedy and asked them to produce this new project with over a dozen songs she had written about the glen. Nick's experience with all genres of music as a producer and engineers adds something new to Sarah's love to acoustic music, which makes her part of Scotland's modern evolutionary musical landscape.
The tracks are based on local stories as well as people past and present. Identity is a strong theme and Sarah makes a point of mentioning stories and people going back up to 2,500 years ago such as Ossian, the Goddess of Ballachullish, or the drovers who for centuries made the paths which we are still walking. The Highland welcome which Sarah has enjoyed in the glen is present throughout the album whether it refers to WW1 POW's or refugees fleeing armed conflict. Gaelic has its special place and with the help of Mary Ann, she has made a point of pronouncing place names as Gaelic speakers would say them. She even sings in her mother tongue, French, joined by Mary Ann joining in her native Gaelic. It is a tribute to bilingualism which she sees as a major part of Scotland's identity. Finally mental health has affected the way the songs were written and it is no coincidence that there are many references, in a celebrating way, to people who bring joy. Hope is round the corner in every track and the album delivers the promise made in the last lines of the Low Road to Kinlochleven:
We'll write the story,
Of life and Glory,
On the Low Road to Kinlochleven